MBNA Chester Marathon
이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 30주 남았습니다
42.195 km
Metric Marathon
26.2 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
Marathon You can expect some fast times over this stunning PB marathon course on closed roads covering 19 miles in England and 7 miles in Wales. You will run past all Chester's iconic landmarks (Roman Walls, Cathedral, Medieval Rows, Eastgate Clock, Amphitheatre) before heading out to the stunning Cheshire and North Wales countryside and villages; returning alongside the River Dee for a unforgettable finish on Castle Drive. The support in the villages and communities along the course is one of the many highlights of the race. Metric Marathon The route is on closed roads and you will run past all Chester's iconic landmarks (Roman Walls, Cathedral, Medieval Rows, Eastgate Clock, Amphitheatre) before heading out to the stunning Cheshire countryside and villages. You join the marathon runners after 8.5 miles and return to Chester alongside the River Dee for an unforgettable finish on Castle Drive. The support in the villages and communities along the course is one of the many highlights of the race.
시작 지점
Chester Racecourse, New Crane Street, Chester CH1 2LY, UK완료 지점
Chester Racecourse, New Crane Street, Chester CH1 2LY, UK코스 경로 지도
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버전: 10.6.0