Decem-burrrr Dash 5K

Benson, NC, 미국
07 12월, 2024 (토)


5 km

이벤트 정보

Experience the thrill of the Decem-burrrr Dash at West Johnston High School, a dynamic event supporting Boy Scout Troop 333 and the West Johnston Developing Leaders Program. Early registrants receive a complimentary t-shirt, adding to the excitement. Celebrate your achievements with awards for top male and female finishers, age group victors, and Masters categories. The diverse course takes you through both road and cross-country paths, starting on the track and finishing on the football field. Embrace the spirit of camaraderie with team participation, as friends, family, and co-workers can form Social Teams to compete together.

이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스

준비할 시간이 일주일도 남지 않았습니다


07 12월, 2024 (토) - 09:00
5 km


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버전: 9.26.3