The Resilience 25

Salineville, OH, Vereinigte Staaten
12 Okt., 2024 (Sa.)


50 mi, 75 mi, 100 mi

Über die Veranstaltung

Who's up for a challenge?


1. The capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

By popular demand it's baaaaaack!!! This is a 25hr endurance event. Why 25 and not 24? Because anyone can do 24 hours  And as you will see, I like "milestone" numbers.

It will be a modified "backyard ultra" format. This year, we have upped the challenge. You will have the choice of doing 2mi/hr, 3mi/hr, or 4mi! You will start at the top of every hour. When you have completed it, you have the remaining time in that hour to rest, refuel, use the facilities, etc. And off you go again at the top of the next hour. And the end of the event, everyone will have completed a nice, round number of 50 miles...or 75 miles...or maybe even 100 miles (2, 3, or 4mi every hour X 25)!

The course will be 100% off road and with some small hills. Each route will gain approximately 100' of elevation per mile. The 2 and 3mi routes will be a loop. The 4mi course will have a short out-and-back section. For the 50mi option, it is absolutely possible to walk this entire event! You don't need to be fast, just resilient.

It is going to be very low key and and supported by a single aid station (aid station supplies TBD). The primary aid station tent will have a bonfire and music throughout the event. Registration is only $40! I will make zero profit from this event! All proceeds will go to D2 Human Performance; a charity that supports veterans, first responders and law enforcement officers who are coming to Ohio for cutting-edge medical treatment for PTSD and TBI. Check out the link below.

This event is not open to the public! If you are interested in participating, send me a message and I will give you the registration link. If I don't know you, you must have a reference from someone who does. This event is all about the Community and support. This is not a race. It is simply you against you out there for 25 hours straight. MORE DETAILS WILL BE ADDED SOON!


Von dieser Veranstaltung angebotene Rennen

Sie haben 3 Wochen Zeit zur Vorbereitung

100 mile

12 Okt., 2024 (Sa.) - 11:00
100 mi
Vor ort

50 mile

12 Okt., 2024 (Sa.) - 11:00
50 mi
Vor ort

75 mile

12 Okt., 2024 (Sa.) - 11:00
75 mi
Vor ort


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