Spirit Bear Mountain Bike Gran Fondo

Kalispell, MT, Vereinigte Staaten
21 Mai, 2023 (So.)


24.5 mi, 49 mi

Über die Veranstaltung

The Spirit Bear Mountain Bike Gran Fondo returns for a third year!  This course is going to test every rider’s legs as well as their trail riding abilities. We are going to offer two options for racers: 1 lap, or a grueling, down right brag-worthy 2 laps. 1 lap will provide racers 24.5 miles and approximately 3800 ft of elevation gain. 2 laps…….well, it hurts to say it, but that’s nearly 52 miles and 7600 ft elevation. The best part is all racers start together, so everyone will get the chance to bump elbows, or share some smiles, for the first lap. The goal of this race is to give spandex clad racers and baggy short trail riders alike a fun event that will provide a challenge for all who take it on. 

State Championship:  This year, the race will be the designated  USA Cycling Gran Fondo State Championships for Montana.  Medals will be awarded for first thru third place winners in each category.


NOTE:  Due to the generous donation of our corporate sponsor, Parsons Tractor,  ALL JUNIORS 17 and under HAVE THEIR RACE FEE PAID!  Please register in the "Juniors" category.  This goes for one or two loops.

The Race

The race starts at Herron Park. From there, we all roll out together in a neutral start for 2.25 miles along the paved Foys Canyon Road. The race then officially starts at the bottom of the  sparsely populated  Patrick Creek Road, where you will climb for 9.5 miles. This isn’t your average gravel road climb though, as it provides great scenery as it traverses its way to Emmons Saddle. From there, saddle up and get ready for some epic single track, where you will ascend and descend your way  back to  Herron Park where racers do the classic Herron XC loop: Chase Trail down to Boundary Trail, along Overlook Trail and then finally down the Notch Trail into the lower Herron meadow. Here, 1 lappers can kick back while those brave souls doing two laps can refuel, question their life choices, and start on their journey to glory. 

Lunch: There will be a lunch provided:   Lunch will be served up at the picnic pavilion at Herron Park.




Von dieser Veranstaltung angebotene Rennen

Spirit Bear Mountain Bike Gran Fondo- One Lap

21 Mai, 2023 (So.) - 09:00
24.5 mi

Spirit Bear Mountain Bike Gran Fondo - Two Laps

21 Mai, 2023 (So.) - 09:00
49 mi


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