Maine Madness Run and Shoot Challenge

Scarborough, ME, Vereinigte Staaten
28 Apr., 2024 (So.)


1.57 mi

Über die Veranstaltung

Can you shoot baskets? Can you run a mile and a half?

This whacky, one-of-a-kind event might be for you (and maybe a friend)! 

So many ways to win prizes! Here's a brief overview of the event. See further below for details.

Overview: Run the 1.57 mile course outside. Shoot 5 baskets in the gym. Add up the points from both equally-weighted events to see overall winners. Bonus points for mid-run trivia. Prizes for overall winners, best runs, best shots. Teams/individuals/men/women/kids all participate at the same time, but are scored separately. Surprise prizes as well! 

Prizes: All kid (12 and under) participants earn medals. Top 3 boys and top 3 girls overall pick prizes from the kid prize table. Top boy and top girl also earn trophies. Plaque for top girl run, top boy run, top boy basketball, and top girl basketball. Top 3 adult female and top 3 adult male get first dibs at adult prize table which includes gift cards $200+ to local merchants and/or service providers as well as a Maine Celtics gift basket featuring basketball signed by the team. Top adult female and top adult male overall also earn trophies. Additional visits to the prize table for fastest female runner, fastest male runner, top female basket scorer and top male basket scorer. Top 3 performing duos (one person runs, different person shoots) also visit the prize table.

Sign up by March 3rd to reserve a free Maine Madness shirt! Event details:  Run Portion
Adults and kids start together in front of Scarborough High School, run down to Memorial Park for 2 laps, then back up around parking lot for finish at start line. Along the course 3 trivia posters will be posted. Answer all 3 correctly before starting basketball portion and earn 25 point bonus. Finishing places will be converted to points by percentile per gender and adult/kid divisions: Top 10% in gender/age division = 100  points81-90% = 90 points71-80% = 80 points61-70% = 70 points51-60% = 60 points41-50% = 50 points31-40% = 40 points21-30% = 30 points11-20% = 20 points1-10% = 10 points Basketball Portion
Upon completion of run portion, contestants head to the gym for a chance at 5 shots of varying distances on a basketball hoop. 12 and under kids shoot on shorter hoop. Contestant chooses which spots to try from. Though this isn’t timed, it is scored: Closest marked spot = 5 points per made shot2nd closest = 10 points3rd closest = 15 points4th closest = 20 pointsFurthest = 25 points Overall Scoring
For each age/gender division, top possible score is 250 points. 100 max from the run, 25 possible from the run trivia, and 125 possible from the shooting contest.

Von dieser Veranstaltung angebotene Rennen

1.57 mi

28 Apr., 2024 (So.) - 10:03
1.57 mi
Vor ort


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