Behobia-San Sebastián

San Sebastián, Autonome Gemeinschaft Baskenland, Spanien
10 Nov., 2024 (So.)
Veranstaltungsgröße: 25000 - 49999 Teilnehmer (Max 35000 Teilnehmer)


20 km

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Behobia-San Sebastián

10 Nov., 2024 (So.) - 10:00
20 km
192 m des Höhengewinns
The Behobia-San Sebastián race has a very rigorous route with two high points, Gaintxurizketa (Km. 7) and Miracruz (Km. 16), as well as upward and downward sloping sections that must be adapted to by the runners. The following is a kilometer by kilometer description of the route as an aid to mentally prepare the runner.
Kilometer by kilometer description of the route

KM 1.- Starting stretch alongside the Bidasoa River, completely flat with the climb up to Irun beginning in the last part.
KM 2.-. Gentle slope upwards to the centre of town, streets filled with people to cheer you on.
KM 3.- The slope gets steeper as you leave the town centre until you get to Ventas de Irun, an area of short sharp ups and downs.
KM 4.- After passing Arretxe Height at km 3.4 the road slopes gently downwards, leaving Irun behind.
KM 5.- You continue downwards; a good opportunity to catch your breath before the ascent to Gaintxurizketa.
KM 6.- Beginning of an uphill climb to Gaintxurizketa Height. A short but sharp slope upwards to take the two-lane road that goes off to the left.
KM 7.- Main section of the climb up Gaintxurizketa, 2km with a gradient of 3%.
KM 8.- Only a few meters before reaching the peak of Gaintxurizketa Height - cycle Tour atmosphere and the beginning of a long descent of 3km to Errenteria.
KM 9.- Main part of the descent, 3% gradient. If you manage to get the right rhythm you can enjoy a comfortable speed here.
KM 10.- Commercial area of Lintzirin, half-way point. Very different without traffic. You continue descending a little more.
KM 11.- Entering the outskirts of Errenteria, still descending and then commences the flattest part of the whole route which measures about 2km.
KM 12.- Totally flat (ATTENTION! various raised zebra-crossings). On the boardwalk of Errenteria lots of spectators cheering.
KM 13.- After crossing the centre of busy Errenteria, it is uphill to Capuchinos. A tough climb (450 m with 5% gradient).
KM 14.- The last, very tough metres to Capuchinos and then the descent to Pasaia with beautiful views of the bay.
KM 15.- Small ups and downs of Buenavista (entrance to San Sebastian) until you are nearly level with the harbour.
KM 16.- Approaching the ascent to Miracruz Height through the districts of Altza and Herrera. One kilometre to prepare for the climb.
KM 17.- Ascent to Miracruz Height (1.5 km with 3% gradient). At the end of this kilometre begins the straight descent along Avenida de Ategorrieta where you can see the centre of the city.
KM 18.- Long descent to the district of Gros.
KM 19.- Avenida de Navarra, slightly uphill at the beginning of this kilometre which your legs will notice. Then the straight stretch to Zurriola beach along Avenida de Navarra. Route lined with spectators right up to the finishing line.
KM 20.- Final stretch, ALMOST THERE!. Avenida de la Zurriola. Kursaal Conference Centre, Kursaal Bridge and Alameda del Boulevard. Lots of spectators, music and cheering as you get to the finishing line.
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Nachrichten: Laufen

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Results 2019: Behobia-San Sebastián

11 Nov., 2019 (Mo.)

Chakib Lachgar Lachgar outran roughly 27172 runners to win with a time of 01:00:57. Coming in second was Iraitz Arrospide Garro (01:01:01). Ivan Fernandez Anaya (01:01:10) made notched third place. In the women’s race, Gema Barrachina Fernandez took top honours by finishing the race in 01:11:38 , ahead of Diana Martín Giménez (01:11:52). The third place went to Gisela Carrion Bertran with a time of 01:12:01 Top 5 Men 1 Chakib Lachgar Lachgar 01:00:57 2 Iraitz Arrospide Garro 01:01:01 3 Ivan Fernandez Anaya 01:01:10 4 Jesús Ángel Almos Pascual 01:01:12 5 Eneko Agirrezabal Telleria 01:02:18 Top 5 Women 1 Gema Barrachina Fernandez 01:11:38 2 Diana Martín Giménez 01:11:52 3 Gisela Carrion Bertran 01:12:01 4 Elena Silvestre Soriano 01:12:54 5 Paula Mayobre Gonzalez 01:13:22 Complete results
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