Carpathia Trails

Fundata, Romania
06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Tamanho do evento:  (Máximo de 1000 participantes)

Corrida em trilha

6 km, 23 km, 36 km, 44 km, 57 km, 102 km

Preços a partir de
21 USD
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Sobre o evento

Join us for the ultimate trail running experience at Carpathia Trails, where you can choose from 6 individual races of varying distances and difficulty levels. Whether you're a seasoned trail runner or a beginner, there is a race for everyone at this event held at Cheile Grădiștei - Fundata. From the challenging Carpathia UltraTrails at 102K to the scenic Cheile Grădiștei Trails at 6K, you'll have the opportunity to conquer the Bucegi, Leaota, and Piatra Craiului massifs. Get ready to lace up your running shoes, create unforgettable memories, and have a great time at Carpathia Trails. Let's make new trail running stories together in the stunning Carpathian mountains!

Corridas oferecidas por este evento

Você tem menos de uma semana para se preparar

Fundata Trails 23K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Corrida em trilha
23 km
1045 m de ganho de elevação
No local

Cheile Grafistei Trails 6K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Corrida em trilha
6 km
270 m de ganho de elevação
No local

Carpathia UltraTrails 102K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb) - 04:00
Corrida em trilha
102 km
5681 m de ganho de elevação
No local
Único loop
Com cronometragem
Cadeia de montanhas
Single track
Vida selvagem

Bucegi Trails 58K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Corrida em trilha
57 km
3343 m de ganho de elevação
No local

Piatra Craiului Trails 44K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Corrida em trilha
44 km
2430 m de ganho de elevação
No local

Leaota Trails 36K

06 jul, 2024 (sáb)
Corrida em trilha
36 km
2097 m de ganho de elevação
No local

Detalhes do curso

Destaques do curso

102K Every trail runner has roamed Piatra Craiului and Bucegi mountains, but we dreamed of crossing both our beloved massifs at the same time. So we designed the 102 km race to reach the highest peaks of Piatra Craiului and Bucegi and the route would then take us to the grassy ridges of Leaota. We have two loops in front of us, passing through the Cheile Grădiștei Fundata Resort, where the runners will be provided with an important aid at the special fueling point ,in order to continue the race in the best conditions. Piatra Craiului, Bucegi, Leaota. Three mountains, one adventure, Carpathia Trails. 58K Bucegi Mountains represent the central point of trail running in Romania, and the route we have designed reaches some of the most important points of interest, such as Omu peak, passing through Şaua Strunga and Bătrâna refuge. The 57 km route is the perfect combination between the steep slopes of Bucegi Mountains and the gentler slopes of Leaota mountains, taking us to the finish line. 44K For those who want to test their limits and want to complete a trail running marathon, we have prepared a day of Piatra Craiului mountains, passing through the villages with the most beautiful view in Romania (in our opinion): Fundata, Şirnea, Peștera and Măgura. The route has a tough climb to La Om Peak, passing through La Table, the place where trail runners find the hydration they need when they reach the foot of Piatra Craiului. 36K We designed this route for those who want to challenge themselves and love to give their best in a competition. The route is difficult, with a lot of increase in altitude compared to the distance, and the section Strunga – Sânitilia Mare will test runners’ physical and mental abilities, especially if we’ll have a sunny day. 23K We’d like our event to be accessible to all runners, regardless of their training level, the 23 km route being the perfect opportunity to discover trail running, without encountering technical difficulties. You will have the occasion to run through the Fundata village and its wonderful surroundings. 6K An intense route, open to any type of runner, regardless of age and training level. An ideal opportunity to be part of the Carpathia Trails event, individually or together with your family.

Endereço de largada

Ski slope - Cheile Gradistei, Fundata, Romania

Endereço de chegada

Ski slope - Cheile Gradistei, Fundata, Romania

O que está incluído no ingresso

Incluídos no seu ingresso
Medalha (pós-prova)
Camiseta do evento
Bolsa de brindes
Certificado eletrônico/diploma eletrônico
Postos de nutrição
Pontos de hidratação
Chip de cronometragem (uso único)
Fotos do evento
Refeição pós-prova
Assistência médica

Perguntas frequentes


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