Terrasini Half Marathon

Maratonina di Terrasini

Terrasini, Sicily, Italy
05 maj, 2024 (ndz)


7 km, 14 km, 21.1 km

Informacje o evencie

Experience a unique athletic event in Italy, open to both registered and non-registered athletes from all over the world. This exciting event allows non-registered Italian athletes to join by signing up for the Runcard through our association and attaching a valid medical certificate for competitive athletics from a sports medicine center. Foreign athletes not residing in Italy must also provide a medical certificate from their country that meets the diagnostic tests required by Italian legislation for competitive activities. For those who are not members, there is an opportunity to register with Asd Media@ for a fee of €25.00. To register, athletes must indicate this option on the registration form and provide a valid medical certificate for athletics, a passport-sized photo, a privacy form, a copy of their ID, and their tax code. Payment can be made simultaneously with the registration fee. The Asd Media@ membership will be valid from January 1st to December 31st, 2024.

All registered athletes must also provide a copy of their original documentation, such as the Runcard and medical certificate, when picking up their bib. This event is open to athletes registered for the year 2024 with FIDAL, as well as those with membership cards from clubs affiliated with recognized Foreign Athletics Federations. For the latter, a self-certification of possession of the card recognized by WA and a copy must be provided upon registration. This self-certification must be signed in its original form when collecting the bib.

Additionally, Italians and foreigners with the Runcard Fidal can also participate by submitting a copy of their medical certificate for competitive athletics and the Runcard. For Eps members with a specific card for athletics, participation is allowed in the 7 km and 14 km races by providing a copy of the Eps card and a valid medical certificate for competitive athletics. Please note that participation with only a competitive medical certificate is not allowed.

This event allows members of Fidal affiliated companies and those with international WA memberships to participate from the age of 18. Runcard members can participate from the age of 20. Don't miss the chance to be a part of this unique and international athletic event in Italy.

Wyścigi oferowane przez ten event


05 maj, 2024 (ndz) - 08:30
7 km
Na miejscu
Przyjazny dla środowiska
Także dla osób na wózkach


05 maj, 2024 (ndz) - 08:30
14 km
Na miejscu
Przyjazny dla środowiska
Także dla osób na wózkach

Half Marathon

05 maj, 2024 (ndz) - 08:30
21.1 km
Na miejscu
Przyjazny dla środowiska
Także dla osób na wózkach

Szczegóły trasy

Najważniejsze informacje o trasie

Suggestive route between the center of Terrasini and the beaches. City route of a 7 km lap to be repeated three times for the half marathon

Adres startu

Via Vincenzo Madonia, Terrasini, PA, Italia

Adres mety

Via Vincenzo Madonia, Terrasini, PA, Italia

Mapa trasy

route map

Co obejmuje rejestracja

To jest zawarte w rejestracji
Medal na linii mety
Koszulki eventowe
Spersonalizowany numer startowy
Punkty z napojami
Chip pomiaru (jednorazowy)
Serwis fotograficzny
Ubezpieczenie od n.n.w.
Punkty żywieniowe
Pomoc medyczna

Często zadawane pytania


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