이벤트 정보
Welcome to our 5th annual World Giraffe Day 5K! By signing up to either walk or run this 5K event, proceeds will go to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) to aid in their efforts to help save one of the most majestic animals on earth. For more information about the great work that they do, please visit www.giraffeconservation.org . Each person who registers for the event will receive a fantastic medal that you can wear proudly to show off your support for Giraffe.
Frank Buck Zoo 1000 W California St, Gainesville, TX 76240. The race will take place at 7:30 AM on Saturday June 22nd. For those that want to walk their 5K, that will take place inside the zoo. For those that will be running the 5K, that will take place in Leonard Park. The race entry fee will include Zoo admission. Park gates will close during the race and reopen after the race.
For those running the timed race (Chip-2-Chip Race Timing) there will be awards for top male and female finishers in the following age divisions
Stay tuned for those award details.
If you don't want to run and would like to donate, please visit the donation page of the race website.
Thanks again to all of you for making the past four years such a success and we can't wait to do even better this year!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5K Run
5 km
5K Walk
5 km
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버전: 10.7.2