Wings For Life World Run - Cardiff - App Run
Bute Park, City and County of Cardiff, 영국
05 5월, 2024 (일)
이벤트 정보
Experience the one-of-a-kind Wings for Life World Run, a global event that brings together runners and wheelchair participants from all over the world. Rather than a traditional finish line, participants race alongside the Virtual Catcher Car, pushing themselves to stay ahead for as long as possible. Join in with friends, download the Wings for Life World Run App, and be part of the international community running until the Virtual Catcher Car catches up. The Virtual Catcher Car starts 30 minutes after the race begins at a speed of 14 km/h, gradually increasing its pace until all participants have been caught.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Wings For Life World Run
05 5월, 2024 (일) - 12:00
다중 루프
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공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4