Waugoshance Trail Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, 5K
에디션 기록
Cross Village, Emmet Country, MI, 미국
12 7월, 2025 (토)
이벤트 크기: 100 - 999 참가자 (최대 200명까지 등록 가능)
트레일 러닝
21.097 km, 42.195 km, 50 km
시리즈의 일부: Great Lakes Marathon Series
이벤트 정보
Run a beautiful single track route from Cross Village to Mackinaw City in northern Michigan. The marathon starts at Wycamp Lake and winds up and along the Sturgeon Bay bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan. 50K runners will depart from the course for a 5 mile route up the gorgeous and highly runable Sturgeon Bay Trail. After this scenic detour they will rejoin the marathon course and descend into wildflower blanketed lowlands before arriving at Goose Pond. This is the half way point and the start of the Half Marathon. The next six miles feature pine needle carpeted trail through rolling forest. The trail opens up as it reaches French Farm Lake, a sandy bottomed wilderness lake with towering pines along the shore. The route follow its shoreline for several miles before runners enter a dense balsam fir forest for 2 miles. The last 3 miles feature a converted rail trail that is flat and smooth. Runners finish at the Mackinaw City School athletic grounds. The course is well marked with colored flags, directional arrows, and mile markers. Runners are bused to the start from Mackinaw City School. Buses depart at 5:30 a.m. Gear bags will be transported back to the finish.
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버전: 10.9.5