이벤트 정보
Dogtown Races offers a challenge for athletes of all levels. Tackle the scenic Half Marathon or opt for a quick-paced 5K. Even young athletes can join the fun with the kids' run. Don't miss the runner-friendly Dogtown Half Marathon!The Half Marathon kicks off at 193 N Old Highway 91 in Hurricane. Athletes will start by heading west, and at the first mile, they'll pivot right onto Foothills Drive, making their way into the Coral Canyon subdivision, crossing under SR-9 to Coral Canyon Blvd. At mile 3.5, the route shifts right onto E. Grasslands Pkwy, and at mile 4, a right turn leads onto Coral Canyon Trail. The path takes runners to Highland Pkwy, passing through Highland Park, continuing across Telegraph, and steering right onto the Highland South Loop trail. At mile 8.7, a right turn on Telegraph leads to Landfill Rd. A southeast push on Landfill Rd for about 0.7 miles guides athletes to a dirt trail that transitions to the paved Cottonwood Trailhead. Here, runners face a fast and steep descent to the Virgin River. Near mile 11.8, another right turn aligns with the Virgin River Boardwalk and Sullivan Park. Following the trail beyond the fishing pond at Sullivan Park, competitors will make a final right onto the grass to cross the finish line.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 46주 남았습니다
Half Marathon
31 1월, 2026 (토)
21.1 km
포인트 투 포인트
31 1월, 2026 (토)
5 km
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버전: 10.7.4