Warrior Trail's Dark Sky 220 / Cherry Springs 110
110 mi, 220 mi
이벤트 정보
The Dark Sky 220 is a single-loop trail race covering 220+ miles of northern Pennsylvania Forests, villages, and State Parks. It’s a journey through time and the beauty of Penn’s Woods and Wilds. At night, you’ll see why this place is on the International Dark Sky Registry. With 40,000’ of elevation gain and technical trails, this race will challenge you to the core. The race starts at 11pm along the bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River to put you right into the heart of the Dark Sky from the very start. Days later, you'll be back along the river, having completed 40+ climbs and descents, and experienced the best of what PA has to offer in trails, vistas, stream crossings and more.
The Cherry Springs 110 covers the second half of the 220 course. Starting in Cherry Springs State Park, the center of PA's Dark Sky Region, there will be no shortage of challenge to this event from a course perspective, and the time cutoff's are generous to allow the opportunity to experience multi-day racing. Whether this is your first 100, or you want to see what the 220 is all about without the 3-5 day commitment, the Cherry Springs 110 will be an awesome experience.
additional details and guidelines are available on the website at www.warriortrail.run
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버전: 10.9.5