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Villnöss Dolomiten Run
에디션 기록
St. Magdalena, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, 이탈리아
01 7월, 2023 (토)
22 km
이벤트 정보
Experience the Villnöss Dolomiten Run, a 22 km route starting in St. Magdalena Villnöss at 1,248 m, amidst the breathtaking backdrop of the Villnöss Valley with the Geisler Peaks. Run on old and new paths, past the stunning farms, villages, flora and fauna, and enjoy the magnificent natural and cultural landscape. Head to the St. Magdalena church, the highest point at 1,404 m Raffreid, the St. Jakob church with a view of the Geisler Group, St. Valentin with the Romanesque-Gothic church, Miglanz, Teis with the mineral museum, Kaserol, the Brixen fraction Albeins, and the Eisack dam, before finishing at the Brixen cathedral square. Saturday, 03.07.2021 at 09:00 a.m. is the start of the run, with a time limit of 4 hours and a height difference ascent of 385 m, and descent of 1.070 m.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Villnöss Dolomiten Run
01 7월, 2023 (토)
22 km
385 m 상승 고도
1070 m 하락 고도
코스 세부 정보
시작 지점
39040 St. Magdalena, South Tyrol, Italy완료 지점
39042 Brixen, South Tyrol, Italy참가 시 제공되는 항목
참가 시 기본으로 제공되는 항목입니다
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기록측정 칩(대여)
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버전: 10.7.4