Valpo Night Ride
에디션 기록
Valparaiso, IN, 미국
17 8월, 2024 (토)
산악 자전거
6 mi, 12 mi, 15 mi, 18 mi
10 mi
이벤트 정보
Valpo Bike Fest and Night RideJoin Valpo Parks for a fun-filled weekend of all things bicycling at Creekside Trails! The Valpo Parks Bike Rally is focused on bringing enthusiasts, competitors, casual participants, and spectators together to share in the mental, physical, and social benefits of bicycling.
Family Fun Night and Family Twilight Trail Ride
Bring the family out to kick off Fest Weekend! Activities will include a bonfire with s'mores, bounce house, face painter, and craft. Families can enjoy a guided evening ride through Creekside Golf Course and Trails. *Helmets required, headlights encouraged. Live music provided by Trailyard.
MTB Races for All Ages
A jam-packed day of racing and riding for all interest and ability levels. Bikers can choose the competitive race that's right for them during the day, and stick around for the Valpo Night Ride at night! DJ and live music from 10am-10pm. Registration required for all events. Check-in Begins at 10am
10 Mile Valpo Night Ride
Same fun Night Ride, new location! Led by Valpo PD, this scenic, relaxing ride winds its way through the city streets by starlight before returning back to Creekside Golf Course for a post-race meal. Check-in begins at 8pm. *Please note that this event will begin and end at Creekside Golf Course.
Family Fun Night and Family Twilight Trail Ride
Bring the family out to kick off Fest Weekend! Activities will include a bonfire with s'mores, bounce house, face painter, and craft. Families can enjoy a guided evening ride through Creekside Golf Course and Trails. *Helmets required, headlights encouraged. Live music provided by Trailyard.
MTB Races for All Ages
A jam-packed day of racing and riding for all interest and ability levels. Bikers can choose the competitive race that's right for them during the day, and stick around for the Valpo Night Ride at night! DJ and live music from 10am-10pm. Registration required for all events. Check-in Begins at 10am
10 Mile Valpo Night Ride
Same fun Night Ride, new location! Led by Valpo PD, this scenic, relaxing ride winds its way through the city streets by starlight before returning back to Creekside Golf Course for a post-race meal. Check-in begins at 8pm. *Please note that this event will begin and end at Creekside Golf Course.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
15 Mile MTB E-Bike Race
17 8월, 2024 (토) - 11:00
산악 자전거
15 mi
Ebike 인증
12 Mile MTB Race
17 8월, 2024 (토) - 13:30
산악 자전거
12 mi
18 Mile MTB Race
17 8월, 2024 (토) - 13:30
산악 자전거
18 mi
6 Mile MTB Race
17 8월, 2024 (토) - 16:00
산악 자전거
6 mi
10 Mile Valpo Night Ride
17 8월, 2024 (토) - 21:00
10 mi
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버전: 10.7.4