UT BCN Sant Fruitós de Bages
트레일 러닝
11 km, 26 km, 43 km, 61 km
6 km
이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Ultra 61K
61 km
43 km
26 km
Speed 11K
11 km
6 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
Strategically located in the center of Barcelona province, Sant Fruitós de Bages enjoys a privileged natural environment. The Bages mountain range, located at north of Sant Llorenç de Munt Natural Park and southeast of the Bages region, offers a land marked by the Caselles, Alous and Vintró sierra, and streams such as Calders, Navarcles and Talamanca. With constant slopes that range between 200 and 600 meters, we will find paths and trails that will also reveal an important cultural heritage full of castles, churches and hermitages. Ultra Trail Barcelona continues to be an excellent proximity proposal to start the season, at the end of winter and with a wide proposal, with 5 distances and where all mountain athletes will find their particular motivation. El Ultra Trail de Barcelona sigue siendo una buena propuesta de proximidad para empezar la temporada, a finales del invierno y con una propuesta amplia, con 5 distancias y donde todos los deportistas de montaña encontrarán su motivación particular.
시작 지점
Sant Fruitós de Bages, Spain완료 지점
Sant Fruitós de Bages, Spain참가 시 제공되는 항목
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버전: 10.7.4