Ultra-Trail Drakensberg
트레일 러닝
25 km, 36 km, 65 km, 104 km, 173 km
이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 6주 남았습니다
UTD Miler
173 km
104 km
65 km
25 km
36 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
UTD Miler Skirting escarpment, ridgeline running in Lesotho, transnational loops, tagging Hodgsons’ Peak and farmland running through the night before joining the company of the other races. The majority of the Giant's Cup Trail is the jewel of the trail, 60km of flowing terrain. The course turns at Stromness, before heading down towards Glencairn Farm. One hundred miles of pure mountain views. UTD100 Starting at Silverstreams, the course undertakes the full Giant’s Cup Trail, featuring more mountain running than previous years. Runners climb the Twelve Apostles, along Khanti Ridge and down past Salt and Pepper Aid Station before making their way down to Glencairn Farm. GCU65 The Race Start at Silverstreams sends runners onto the famous Giant’s Cup Trail. Panoramic views, flowing trails over & through high mountains with valleys featuring streams and pools and weathered rock formations await on this world-renowned trail. The trail turns off at Stromness Trail, heading down towards the finish at Glencairn farm. SDR36 A start at Castleburn, the race is a sunset chase over the striking second half of the Giant’s Cup Trail, turning off at Stromness, navigating down, skipping the Gorge, setting this one up as a furiously fast and flowing race. DRJ25 Starting at the Premier Resort Hotel, the first climb up takes runners past the Salt and Pepper Aid Station on their way to the Waterfall. A sting of an ascent awaits, sending them over Stromness, through Sani Valley Gate and onto the finish line.
시작 지점
Sani Mountain Lodge, Sani Top, Lesotho완료 지점
Glencairn Farm sani2c Start, 9th St, Randburg, South Africa코스 경로 지도
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버전: 10.7.4