이벤트 정보
What’s UTLO
UTLO was born in 2010 by the association A.S.D. Trail Running: at the start, the competi¬tion offered only two race distances, the 36km and the 22km, reaching almost 250 runners.
In October 2011 UTLO became official entering in the International Trail Run¬ning schedule: it quickly grew up to 400 runners participants.
In 2016 the competition closed with 1500 partcipants, almost 300 foreigner runners, from 34 different nations and the rest were Italians coming from 63 districts and 18 regions.
We are getting ready for a very special 2017 edition: the shorter distances, the 82km, the 57 km, the 34 km and the 17 km are coming back and beside them a new real Ultra distance will be available
The brand new 120km will run up to the Mottarone’s Hill, with the two Orta and Maggiore Lakes view, reaching 1800 runners participants.
UTLO Race plus
• The route scenery with a stunning view over the Lake traditional villages of Quarna Sopra, Quarna Sotto, Valstrona, Varallo, Arola, Madonna del Sas¬so, Pella, Cesara, Nonio and Omegna, of course, starting and arrival point of the competition.
• The lucky weather conditions which allows UTLO to be run in Autumn, enjoying the unique microclimate of the Lake district and closing the trail running season;
• UTLO has been created by the passion and the strong knowledge of Yulia Baykova, Trail Runner PRO and member of the VIBRAM Trail Running Official team, and Vincenzo Bertina, her running coach and partner in life. They deeply know the Trail Running system, both in the technical as¬pects and in the emotional ones.
UTLO was born in 2010 by the association A.S.D. Trail Running: at the start, the competi¬tion offered only two race distances, the 36km and the 22km, reaching almost 250 runners.
In October 2011 UTLO became official entering in the International Trail Run¬ning schedule: it quickly grew up to 400 runners participants.
In 2016 the competition closed with 1500 partcipants, almost 300 foreigner runners, from 34 different nations and the rest were Italians coming from 63 districts and 18 regions.
We are getting ready for a very special 2017 edition: the shorter distances, the 82km, the 57 km, the 34 km and the 17 km are coming back and beside them a new real Ultra distance will be available
The brand new 120km will run up to the Mottarone’s Hill, with the two Orta and Maggiore Lakes view, reaching 1800 runners participants.
UTLO Race plus
• The route scenery with a stunning view over the Lake traditional villages of Quarna Sopra, Quarna Sotto, Valstrona, Varallo, Arola, Madonna del Sas¬so, Pella, Cesara, Nonio and Omegna, of course, starting and arrival point of the competition.
• The lucky weather conditions which allows UTLO to be run in Autumn, enjoying the unique microclimate of the Lake district and closing the trail running season;
• UTLO has been created by the passion and the strong knowledge of Yulia Baykova, Trail Runner PRO and member of the VIBRAM Trail Running Official team, and Vincenzo Bertina, her running coach and partner in life. They deeply know the Trail Running system, both in the technical as¬pects and in the emotional ones.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 29주 남았습니다
55 km
11 10월, 2025 (토)
트레일 러닝
55 km
12 km
11 10월, 2025 (토)
트레일 러닝
12 km
75 km
11 10월, 2025 (토)
트레일 러닝
75 km
34 km
12 10월, 2025 (일)
트레일 러닝
34 km
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버전: 10.7.4