Turquoise Trail Burro Race - Cerrillos, NM
트레일 러닝
3 mi, 6 mi
이벤트 정보
Race Overview
Come race in the beautiful former mining town of Cerrillos, New Mexico! Set in the historic and scenic Cerrillos hills this quaint western town is the perfect back drop for fast single track burro race or a hike in the hills with your burro.
The race will start on Saturday, May 4 at 10:00am on the Main Street area of the town of Cerrillos and run into the Cerrillos Hills State Park.
There are two courses, one approximately 6 mile route and a 3 mile route. All racers on the 6 mile course will follow the Western Pack Burro Association race rules.
Course Change (3 mile)
The 3 mile course will be changed from last year. It will do a wonderful loop around the north side of town. Keep an eye open for the unique architecture of the homes along the dirt road and arroyo you will run/walk/hiking near.
Expect 65-70 degrees with afternoon wind.
Arrive early! We will be parking along a set of railroad tracks, please give plenty of room between your trailers and the railroad. We expect a train at 9:00AM and again at Noon.
There will be outhouses available and one single awesome restaurant (black bird saloon) for about 200 people. Plan your lunch and snacks accordingly.
Packet Pickup - 8:15am-9:30am in front of the Black Bird Saloon
Mandatory Race meeting - 9:15am
Start time - 10:00am for both courses
Award Ceremony - 12:30-1:00pm depending on finishing times.
Race Results & Timing Information
The race will be professionally chip timed by Jackrabbit Race Management. In addition to your race bib, you'll be given a timing chip/strap. The strap will need to be placed on the left side, right on the halter strap on the cheek (don't worry, our timers will ensure that it's placed properly).
More information at nmpackburros.com/cerrillos
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버전: 10.9.3