Tucson Marathon
에디션 기록
21.1 km, 42.195 km, 50 km
이벤트 정보
The Tucson Marathon, Arizona's oldest running marathon, was first held on February 15, 1969. The course started at City Hall, then went east to Randolph Park, circled back to San Xavier Mission, and returned to City Hall. This race was originally called the Arizona Admittance Day Marathon.The race's course and ideal weather attract runners from colder climates who come to experience running a marathon in typically perfect conditions. The marathon route begins in Oracle, winding around the town for six miles until it reaches SR 77. From there, the course follows the Santa Catalina Mountains, passing through Oracle and Catalina, before finishing at the Golder Ranch Fire Station. The Half Marathon starts on Biosphere Road and follows the latter half of the marathon course. Both the Full and Half Marathon events are certified by USA Track & Field and the results are sent directly to Boston.For those who don't want to run the full marathon, there is the Marathon Relay, which requires four runners, each running a proportionate leg of the course. Pre-Race Expo is held on Friday, December 4 (9 am to 7 pm) at the Hilton El Conquistador Resort (10000 N. Oracle Road). Late registration and packet pick up is available at the Expo. There will be no packet pick up or registration for the long-distance events on race morning, so runners must register at the Race Expo.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 39주 남았습니다
14 12월, 2025 (일)
21.1 km
14 12월, 2025 (일)
42.195 km
14 12월, 2025 (일)
50 km
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