TSN Presents: Stepping 4 Sobriety Fun Run/Walk Fundraiser
에디션 기록
Long Beach, CA, 미국
27 8월, 2022 (토)
3 mi
이벤트 정보
Join Transformation Support Network (TSN) in celebrating our anniversary with our 2nd Annual Stepping 4 Sobriety 5K Fun Walk/Run. The proceeds of this event will assist individuals in recovery transform their lives to achieve a life filled with healthy choices while maintaining sobriety through dignity enhancement, community involvement, fitness, wellness, and fun. Whether you choose to participate in person or virtually, we encourage every community to get active while supporting a great cause. There will be vendors, prizes, raffles, and a ton of fun.
Additional Information:
Create your own team with a fundraiser webpage for your team to visit. The top two fundraisers will receive prizes.
Stepping 4 Sobriety walk is will be held at Houghton Park in Long Beach, CA
This 5k is a fun walk/run an untimed fundraising event to support individuals in recovery. Participants can choose to walk or run, it is at their own pace. It's all about charity, community, wellness, and fun.
Registrants will receive an official race T-shirt (T-Shirts are not available after 8/24/2022) and race bibs at the check-in table on-site. All registered participants will also receive a finisher’s medal.
TSN will continue to follow the guidance of local Government and Health Officials as it relates to precautions relative to COVID-19.
If there is a cancellation of the in-person 2022 Stepping 4 Sobriety 5k Fun Walk/Run due to COVID-19, the registrations will convert all events to a virtual experience. The virtual race can be run (or walked) from any location you choose.
Post your photos so that everyone can share the joy of your accomplishment using hashtags #tsncares and #Stepping4Sobriety
Opportunities to make donations, participate in 50/50 and gift raffles, play games, and visit vendor booths.
Additional Information:
Create your own team with a fundraiser webpage for your team to visit. The top two fundraisers will receive prizes.
Stepping 4 Sobriety walk is will be held at Houghton Park in Long Beach, CA
This 5k is a fun walk/run an untimed fundraising event to support individuals in recovery. Participants can choose to walk or run, it is at their own pace. It's all about charity, community, wellness, and fun.
Registrants will receive an official race T-shirt (T-Shirts are not available after 8/24/2022) and race bibs at the check-in table on-site. All registered participants will also receive a finisher’s medal.
TSN will continue to follow the guidance of local Government and Health Officials as it relates to precautions relative to COVID-19.
If there is a cancellation of the in-person 2022 Stepping 4 Sobriety 5k Fun Walk/Run due to COVID-19, the registrations will convert all events to a virtual experience. The virtual race can be run (or walked) from any location you choose.
Post your photos so that everyone can share the joy of your accomplishment using hashtags #tsncares and #Stepping4Sobriety
Opportunities to make donations, participate in 50/50 and gift raffles, play games, and visit vendor booths.
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버전: 10.9.7