1500 m
40 km
750 m
20 km
5 km
40 km
10 km
2.5 km
20 km
5 km
750 m
20 km
5 km
1.5 km
40 km
10 km
이벤트 정보
TriMillennium is one of West Michigan's longest-standing multi-sport events and a favorite among many local athletes. Located in the beautiful Millennium Park in Grand Rapids, MI, TriMillennium offers an Olympic and Sprint distance triathlon, duathlon, and aquabike. Our Olympic race features a 1,500-meter swim, 24.8-mile bike, and 6.2-mile run. Our Sprint distance race features a 750-meter swim, 12.4-mile bike, and 3.1-mile run. Relay options are available for both races.
The inland waters of Millennium Park are typically calm and pleasant, the surrounding roads follow the rolling terrain for the bike course, and the paved trails through the park are flat and fast, making TriMillennium a great race for the elite athlete looking for a summer "A" race, a beginner athlete looking to complete their first triathlon, or a primer race for those prepping for the MiTi half or full triathlon later in August. With professional timing from Trivium Racing and a full complement of volunteers and support on race-day, TriMillennium is a race for everyone.
TriMillennium is owned and operated by Bridge Street Ministries, a Christian urban youth ministry in Grand Rapids' West Side, working to support the spiritual, academic, and social development of inner-city youth, leading them with a vision of hope and restoration and believing that they will be the future leaders of our community. 100% of the proceeds from TriMillennium will go to support this important work. For more information about our work, visit
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 19주 남았습니다
Sprint Tri
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수사이클링
20 km도로경사러닝
5 km도로평지
Sprint Duathlon
2.5 km
20 km
5 km
2.5 km도로평지사이클링
20 km도로경사러닝
5 km도로평지
Sprint Aquabike
750 m
20 km
750 m호수사이클링
20 km도로경사
Sprint Tri Relay
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수사이클링
20 km도로경사러닝
5 km도로평지
My Team Triumph
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수사이클링
20 km도로경사러닝
5 km도로평지
Olympic Tri
1.5 km
40 km
10 km
1.5 km호수사이클링
40 km도로경사러닝
10 km도로평지
Olympic Duathlon
5 km
40 km
10 km
5 km도로평지사이클링
40 km도로경사러닝
10 km도로평지
Olympic Aquabike
1500 m
40 km
1500 m호수사이클링
40 km도로경사
Olympic Tri Relay
1.5 km
40 km
10 km
1.5 km호수사이클링
40 km도로경사러닝
10 km도로평지
Olympic Duathlon Relay
5 km
40 km
10 km
5 km도로평지사이클링
40 km도로경사러닝
10 km도로평지
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4