Tri WashU
에디션 기록
St. Louis, MO, 미국
02 3월, 2025 (일)
750 yd
12.4 mi
5 km
이벤트 정보
Welcome to the Tri WashU Indoor Triathlon, hosted at the Gary Sumers Recreation Center. This is a USAT-sanctioned event featuring collegiate and age group divisions. Outstanding individual performers in the collegiate category will be honored with bobblehead awards. The competition includes a pool swim, a stationary bike ride, and a run on the outdoor track. Athletes can use SPD clips for the spin bikes, while SPD-SL clips are incompatible. For collegiate athletes, the event serves as a qualifier for the USAT Collegiate Club National Championships and contributes to the Midwest Collegiate Triathlon Conference standings.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
02 3월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
750 yd
12.4 mi
5 km
750 yd수영장사이클링
12.4 mi고정식 자전거러닝
5 km트랙
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버전: 10.7.2