Tri Goddess Triathlon
1500 m
40 km
10 km
750 m
20 km
5 km
400 m
10.3 mi
1.5 mi
1500 m
22.8 mi
750 m
10.3 mi
3 mi
10.3 mi
1.5 mi
이벤트 정보
Tri Goddess Tri celebrates women of all abilities, inspiring them to reach new heights of health and set new fitness goals by training for and completing a triathlon. Held just 12 miles west of Chelsea at the Portage Lake Unit of Waterloo State Recreation Area, surrounding our participants in scenery as beautiful and inspiring as themselves.
Tri Goddess Tri features min-sprint, sprint, and Olympic distance events:
All bike distances are on paved roads, rolling hills.
All runs are a mix of road and trail.
See course maps under "Event Details"
Olympic Triathlon — 1500-meter lake swim (64 lengths in a standard metric pool), 24.3-mile bike ride, 6.2-mile run
Sprint Triathlon — 750-meter lake swim (32 lengths in a standard metric pool), 10.3-mile bike ride, 3-mile run
Mini-Sprint Triathlon — 400-meter lake swim (16 lengths in a standard metric pool), 10.3-mile bike ride, 1.5-mile run Ideal for women trying their first tri!
Olympic Aquabike (swim bike done) — 1500 meter lake swim (64 lengths in a standard metric pool), 24.3-mile bike ride
Sprint Duathlon (run bike run) — 3-mile run, 10.3-mile bike ride, 1.5-mile run
Olympic Relay — team up with one or two friends to complete our Olympic Triathlon together
Sprint Relay — team up with one or two friends to complete our Sprint Triathlon together
Mini-Sprint Relay — team up with one or two friends to complete our Mini-Sprint Triathlon together
Park Entry
A State Park permit or Recreation Passport is needed to enter Waterloo State Recreation Area. Visit the Michigan Department of Natural Resources' website here for pricing and more information.
This race is sanctioned by USA Triathlon (USAT) therefore all participants must have an annual membership or purchase a one-day membership. These options will be available during the registration process. The annual membership fee is $50 and the one-day fee is $15. To learn more about USAT visit
To learn more about USAT, USAT membership, USAT rules, and USAT most violated rules, CLICK HERE.
The race director, Eva Solomon, is a USAT Level 2 Certified Race Director. This is the highest level available, she is the only Level 2 USAT Certified race director in Michigan and 1 of only 11 in the country.
CoursePlease note that in the interest of safety, all courses are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the race director. You can view all courses here.
Post-Race PartyGoddesses, stick around for post-race food and festivities! Our Epic staff and volunteers will be cooking up pancakes, breakfast burritos, and more for all race participants.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 15주 남았습니다
Sprint Aquabike
750 m
10.3 mi
750 m호수사이클링
10.3 mi도로
Olympic Aquabike
1500 m
22.8 mi
1500 m호수사이클링
22.8 mi도로
Sprint Duathlon
3 mi
10.3 mi
1.5 mi
3 mi도로사이클링
10.3 mi도로러닝
1.5 mi도로
400 m
10.3 mi
1.5 mi
400 m호수사이클링
10.3 mi도로러닝
1.5 mi도로
Mini-Sprint Relay
400 m
10.3 mi
1.5 mi
400 m호수사이클링
10.3 mi도로러닝
1.5 mi도로
Sprint Relay
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수기록 측정사이클링
20 km도로기록 측정러닝
5 km도로기록 측정
1500 m
40 km
10 km
1500 m호수기록 측정사이클링
40 km도로기록 측정러닝
10 km도로기록 측정
750 m
20 km
5 km
750 m호수기록 측정사이클링
20 km도로기록 측정러닝
5 km도로기록 측정
Olympic Relay
1500 m
40 km
10 km
1500 m호수기록 측정사이클링
40 km도로기록 측정러닝
10 km도로기록 측정
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4