Tri for Jimmy
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi
13 mi
이벤트 정보
2024 Race update (4/12/2023):
Tri for Jimmy is a benefit for the Jimmy Fund, the fundraising arm of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute*
All events are USAT Sanctioned and require a USAT license per athlete to participate, which can be purchased with your online registration. License fees changed after registration opened and I missed it. My apologies for any confusion caused by USAT changing their pay scale and the incorrect classification of the race distances. I have no visibility to USAT transactions, so if you paid more than $13 or $6 (as a relay participant), I would contact USAT directly. I have brought it to their attention and am awaiting instructions and information to resolve.)
The three adult options offered are:
Bronze Member: Single Event Access Should be $13.
This membership gives you access and race insurance to a single racing event. A good fit for someone trying out Multisport for the first time.
Silver Membership – Annual Unlimited Racing $60.00
Gain immediate access to thousands of events across the country including our national championships, inclusion in our nationwide rankings, training guides and exclusive benefits only available to Silver members. This membership is perfect for athletes who support and resources to achieve their goals.
Gold Membership – Annual Unlimited + Expanded Benefits $99.00
Gain immediate access to thousands of events across the country including our national championships, inclusion in our nationwide rankings, plus expanded benefits only available to Gold members including an exclusive USA Triathlon by Zone3 swim buoy and goggles ($70 value) and more.
A Youth Annual $10 (17 and under on 12/31)
Race Choices
Sprint Triathlon: .3 Mile Swim, 13 Mile Bike, 3 Mile RunSprint Aquabike: .3 Mile Swim, 13 Mile BikeSprint Splash and Dash: .3 Mile Swim, 3 Mile RunSprint Duathlon: .3 Mile Run, 13 Mile Bike, 3 Mile RunSuper Sprint Triathlon: 300yd Swim, 6.3 Mile Bike, 1 Mile RunSuper Sprint Duathlon: .1 Mile Run, 6 Mile Bike, 1 Mile Run2024 registration, a great gift option for your inspired but uncertain friend or loved one. This is the race to introduce the sport to athletes and non-athletes alike, as either of these races are great for beginner or seasoned triathletes, and all persons 11-years and older are welcomed and encouraged to register as an individual or as a relay team. Athena and Clydesdale categories available see FAQ for details.
The event is a charity fundraising event where all proceeds go to The Jimmy Fund, there are NO REFUNDS. No assumptions should be made that this event will not be cancelled due to a pandemic or any other outside causes, but if it does all proceeds will be donated in the name of the event and will support cancer research and patient care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc.
The event details and descriptions are based on our previous race plans, pre-COVID-19. Health and safety protocol, i.e.: social distancing, etc. modifications as needed and dictated by the sanctioning (USAT) and administrative bodies (DCR, State of MA, etc.) will be enforced. Modifications will be posted to the best extent possible and we appreciate your attention in reviewing the information presented on the website, in direct athlete emails now and over the next few months and especially during race week.
Volunteer Sign-Ups for athletes, family members and friends is available
Stick around for some goodies post race.
Are you hesitant and would really like someone by your side throughout the race? Contact the race director to discuss a potential "shadow".
Registration* is open and will close Thursday May 30th at midnight.
Race Day registration is available
Opens at 6:15 AM on Sunday June 2, 2024, at Hampton Ponds State Park, with a late fee. *Required USAT licenses can be purchased at that time as well, just like what should have been available at registration. Bronze: Super Sprint or Sprint $13. A Youth Annual $10 (17 and under on 12/31), and additionally Annual licenses are available Silver $60, Gold $99.
Cash or Check to Tater Racing are the only accepted payments.
Visit the event website - for further details.
Be sure to mark your calendar for the Triathlon Clinic on May 18th at 3PM at Hampton Ponds State Park
Hampton Ponds State Park
1048 North Road - Route 202
Westfield, MA 01085
A confirmation email should come immediately from [email protected] - please review your Spam/ Junk folder as they are frequently found here.
The triathlon is on Rain or Shine - there is a contingency plan. Please review the Tri for Jimmy FAQs page
*100% of net proceeds from the event and 100% of any additional donations raised by individual participants will support cancer research and patient care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Inc. Dana-Farber is located at 450 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, 1-617-632-3000. This event is being conducted by a Commercial Co-Venturer, Tater Racing.
Thank you for your support and interest in Tri for Jimmy. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me, contact information below.
Race Director, Tater Racing, Tri for Jimmy
Please contact [email protected], 413-244-2506 with any questions
Like us on facebook, And follow/mention us on twitter, instagram @triforjimmy
Join us for Tri for Jimmy Clinic: May 18, 2024 3PM
Race Day: June 2, 2024 8AM
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 15주 남았습니다
Sprint Aquabike Relay
0.3 mi
13 mi
0.3 mi호수포인트 투 포인트사이클링
13 mi도로
Sprint Duathlon Relay
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi도로사이클링
13 mi6.3 mi 루프당도로다중 루프러닝
3 mi도로아웃&백
Sprint Triathlon
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi호수포인트 투 포인트사이클링
13 mi6.3 mi 루프당도로다중 루프러닝
3 mi도로아웃&백
Sprint Triathlon Relay
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi호수포인트 투 포인트사이클링
13 mi6.3 mi 루프당도로다중 루프러닝
3 mi도로아웃&백
Sprint Aquabike
0.3 mi
13 mi
0.3 mi호수포인트 투 포인트사이클링
13 mi6.3 mi 루프당도로다중 루프
Sprint Duathlon
0.3 mi
13 mi
3 mi
0.3 mi도로사이클링
13 mi6.3 mi 루프당도로다중 루프러닝
3 mi도로아웃&백
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
© Ahotu는 World's Sports Group 소유의 서비스 및 브랜드입니다. 저작권을 포함한 모든 권리가 보호됩니다.
버전: 10.7.4