Three Lakes Triathlons and Kings Market San Juan Island Runs
에디션 기록
Friday Harbor, WA, 미국
14 6월, 2025 (토)
6.2 mi, 13.1 mi, 26.2 mi
50 yd
1 mi
0.5 mi
0.465 mi
12 mi
5 km
0.93 mi
24 mi
10 km
이벤트 정보
Set amidst San Juan Island's captivating landscape, Lakedale Resort offers an ideal venue for an exciting all-sport weekend. Enjoy breathtaking views and encounter nature's finest, including the possibility of spotting Orca Whales during the events. Whether participating in the island triathlon or runs, athletes are assured an unforgettable experience. The courses promise a blend of scenic beauty and challenging terrain. Family activities, live music, and catered post-race food enhance the vibrant atmosphere at the finish. This memorable event blends endurance sport with the island's unique charm, appealing to participants and spectators alike.
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버전: 10.8.3