이벤트 정보
It's back!
Red Coyote presents the Runway Mile from the Wheeler District in OKC!
Join Red Coyote for this very special Friday evening event presented by Red Coyote and Tracksmith. The Runway Mile will be on Friday night of The Red Coyote Half Marathon Weekend. Let's celebrate running in Oklahoma City with some of our favorite partners, Tracksmith, The Wheeler District, The Big Friendly, Taco Nation, Scissortail Park, and the Devon Boathouse! There will be limited edition gear, giveaways, beer, coffee, tacos, lots of post run hangs and fun!
Red Coyote Half Weekend Events:
Friday, November 8th - Runway Mile Packet Pick-Up: 4 pm – 6 pm - Runway Mile: 6:30 pm * Wheeler District - Runway Party: 6 pm- 8 pm * Wheeler District featuring Tracksmith, Big Friendly, Taco Nation, Red Coyote - Half Marathon Expo & Packet Pick Up: 12 pm- 7 pm * Red Coyote Classen CurveSaturday, November 9th - Red Coyote Half Expo & Packet Pick Up: 10 am- 6 pm * Red Coyote Classen Curve
Sunday, November 10th - Red Coyote Half Marathon: 7:30 am * Scissortail Park - Half Marathon post race party: 9:00 am- 12:30 pm
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
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버전: 10.7.2