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The Point to Point, powered by VSECU
에디션 기록
Montpelier, VT, 미국
21 9월, 2024 (토)
10 mi, 30 mi, 60 mi, 110 mi
이벤트 정보
Help end hunger in Vermont!
Sign up for the 2023 Point to Point to support the Vermont Foodbank! Hop on your bike and help us reach our fundraising goal of $150,000. That would provide over 172,000 meals to help feed our neighbors in need.
Join us on the State House Lawn in Montpelier on Saturday, September 23. With scenic Vermont routes from 10 to 100 miles, there’s an all-road ride for everyone!
What else do I need to know?
This is a fully supported all-road ride for everyone! Check out this years courses here This is not a timed event. Have fun and take as much or as little time as you’d like! When you register, you commit to raising a minimum of $150 ($50 for youth and students). We have incentives for reaching certain fundraising thresholds above your fundraising commitment. The more you raise, the more you get! If you do not reach your fundraising commitment by October 7, the credit card you register with will be charged the remaining balance.For more information, please visit thepointtopoint.org.
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버전: 10.9.0