이벤트 정보
This is the second annual Family Fun 5K Walk & Run in Eaton Rapids, and this year is hosted by the Friends of the Eaton Rapids Area District Library (ERADL). The Friends of the ERADL is a non-profit, charitable group (separate from the library) composed of volunteers formed to support our growing and expanding community library financially and culturally. While our district library brings the Eaton Rapids community together as a central hub for information, creativity and exploration, this Fun Run will kick off the summer in a family fun way too, bringing the Eaton Rapids spirit of togetherness and kindness alive as no other city can.
To add to the fun - We will supply face painters for any children at the event. This is a children and dog friendly event (on leash).
The race will start and end at Island Park in Eaton Rapids
All proceeds will benefit the Eaton Rapids Area District Library.
Each participant will receive a swag bag of goodies and a medal
Bibs and chips will not be used, but the race will be timed
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버전: 10.9.3