The Hare and Tortoise New Quarter Park 5K
1 mi, 3.1 mi, 4.97 mi
4.97 mi
이벤트 정보
The Sixteenth Annual Karene O’Hare/Bitsy Whitten Ovarian Cancer Memorial Run is scheduled for Saturday, September 23, on the Capital Trail in partnership with the Williamsburg Community Foundation; a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization tax, identification number 54-1927558. This Memorial Run is the only annual fundraising program that supports Ovarian Cancer screening, treatment and education for uninsured and under-insured women in the greater Williamsburg community.
The O’Hare/Whitten families sponsor this Run to raise money to combat Ovarian Cancer in memory of Karene O’Hare and Bitsy Whitten who were victims of the disease. Since 2009, over $277,000 has been distributed to help underwrite the Ovarian Cancer programs offered by the Lackey Clinic and the Olde Towne Medical & Dental Center to their patients.
In November 2016, we established an Ovarian Cancer Endowment Fund at the Williamsburg Community Foundation as a permanent source of income for this cause. The Fund provides donation sustainability to build and strengthen the significant Ovarian Cancer health care that Lackey and Olde Towne provide for our community. The money raised by the annual Run is deposited into the Endowment Fund and invested. As of January 2024, the value of the Endowment Fund has grown to over $377,000
We encourage you to support this fundraiser and sign up to run or walk the event in person on Sept. 23rd, 2023. This year we bring back the 8K and move the event to James City County and the Virginia Capital Trail. The 8K Run and 8K Competitive Walk are Colonial Road Runners Grand Prix races. All races will start and finish near the zero mile marker on the Virginia Capital Trail. The one mile Fun Run starts at 8 AM, the 8K at 8:30AM and the 5K at 8:40 AM. All participants receive a custom race T, entry into the post race party and for those 21 and over a complimentary beer.
5K Top three male and female overall in the 5K run and top three male and female in Age Groups 12 and under, 13-19 and ten year age groups from 20-29 to 79-79 and 80 and over.
8K Top three male and female overall in 8K Run and Top three male and female in age groups 19 and under, then 5 yr age groups from 20-24 through 75 and over.
8K Competitive Walk Top five male and female overall.
Early Packet Pick up is from 12-6 PM on 9/20/24 at Colonial Sports
Race Day packet Pick up and After Race party is in the Meadows opposite the Jamestown Settlement Parking Lot.
Virtual participants can run or walk any 8K or 5K course at their convenience. Virtual rules are simple; register for the race and submit your results by September 23rd, 2022. Once your time is posted we will provide you with a distinctive and specially designed t-shirt to commemorate your participation. A shipping fee of $9.00 must be paid in advance.
Thank you for your support in the fight against this dreadful disease. We hope to make this a record year for race entrants and fundraising to honor the legacy of John O’Hare, founder of the Hare & Tortoise, who passed away in May of 2022.
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버전: 10.9.5