이벤트 정보
The 2025 Fox River Challenge is scheduled for May 10th starting at 8:00 AM in Wrightstown, WI. The start/finish arch will be located in The Fox River District right along The Fox River and the initial leg of the race, the out-and-back 5k run, will follow the beautiful eastern shore on Hwy ZZ. This leg of the race will also be open to individual run/walk participation in the Fox River Challenge- 5k only. This is the same route as last year.
Duathlon participants will begin at approximately 8:05- right after the announcements and National Anthem. All 5k run/walk participants will start 10 minutes later to give the Duathlon participants a head-start in order to avoid transition clustering.
The 2nd leg of the duathlon will transition through the start/stop arch and go up and over the bridge. The 15-mile bike will follow the western shore of The Fox River on Los Dauphin Road into Little Rapids. There will be a bathroom and water station on Los Dauphin which you will pass on the way out and the way back.
Duathlon racers will transition back through the start/finish arch and the final mile will follow the same route along the eastern shore on Hwy ZZ.
The distances:
5k run/walk
15-mile bike
1 mile run
The duathlon can be completed as an individual or 2-person team.
You will see many community sponsors along the course with mile markers helping you along the route!
Timing will be provided by XM TIMING this year.
There is still future interest in developing The Fox River Challenge from a Duathlon to a Triathlon by adding a kayaking leg. The race would be a kayak, run, bike and showcase the paddling option on The Fox River in Wrightstown. This will not take place in 2025 due to changes coming to the shoreline.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 8주 남았습니다
The Fox River Challenge
5 km
15 mi
1 mi
5 km도로사이클링
15 mi도로러닝
1 mi도로
The Fox River Challenge 5k Only
3.13 mi
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.7.0