The Drop - Kendal
에디션 기록
Up & Running, Nottingham, 영국
06 12월, 2025 (토)
The Drop - Kendal의 공식 등록 파트너
이벤트 정보
Embark on an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the UK that challenges your instincts and endurance. Welcome to The Drop - Kendal Adventure, where you'll embark on a mysterious journey unlike any other. Prepare yourself for a thrilling experience as you're blindfolded and whisked away to an undisclosed location. With no technology, maps, or even a watch to guide you, the challenge lies in your ability to navigate back to the starting point using only your wits.
Participate solo or gather a team; the choice is yours. Upon registration, you'll hand over all electronics and cash, receiving in return a race number and an emergency bag. Once blindfolded, you'll be transported to your drop point, a straight-line distance from the event center.
At the drop location, your mission is clear: find your way back. Whether you choose to run, walk, or crawl, the journey back is entirely up to you, with no assistance, compass, or designated route. Embrace the challenge, test your limits, and discover the thrill of The Drop - Kendal Adventure.
Participate solo or gather a team; the choice is yours. Upon registration, you'll hand over all electronics and cash, receiving in return a race number and an emergency bag. Once blindfolded, you'll be transported to your drop point, a straight-line distance from the event center.
At the drop location, your mission is clear: find your way back. Whether you choose to run, walk, or crawl, the journey back is entirely up to you, with no assistance, compass, or designated route. Embrace the challenge, test your limits, and discover the thrill of The Drop - Kendal Adventure.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 38주 남았습니다
10 Mile
59 USD
06 12월, 2025 (토) - 10:00
10 mi
코스 세부 정보
시작 지점
Podda & Wren Coffee Roasters, 4 Elephant Yard, Kendal LA9 4QQ, UK완료 지점
Kendal, UK참가 시 제공되는 항목
참가 시 기본으로 제공되는 항목입니다
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지금 등록하세요The Drop - Kendal
59 USD
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버전: 10.7.2