이벤트 정보
Come join us in 2023 as we take you down Memory Lane as we run through the streets of Cleveland to the movie set locations that made the movie A Christmas Story famous. Dress up like Ralphie, run in a Leg Lamp Costume or jog in the Bunny Suit that Aunt Clara gave Ralphie for Christmas! This race attracts serious runners, everyday runners and walkers alike! We are family friendly and hope to add to your Christmas spirit during the holiday season. Other perks include Rich Chocolatey OVALTINE at the finish! Reenact your favorite scenes from the movie with family and friends.
Race Distance Switch for Cleveland Runners - We offer a free switch between the 5K and 10K events. You can elect that yourself by managing your registration using your confirmation email.
The movie producers must have been runners, because the distance between the former Higbee’s Department Store and the A Christmas Story House & Museum is about 5K. Ralphie’s dad, The Old Man must have used the 1938 Oldsmobile to track the distance – No GPS in the 1940’s! To accommodate both movie locations that made this race famous, the distance for the races are approximate, and perhaps a little shorter or longer. This race attracts serious runners, everyday runners and walkers alike! We are family friendly and hope to add to your Christmas spirit during the holiday season.
Both the 5K and 10K races start on the corner of Ontario and Public Square which is located at the Terminal Tower. The 5K will run to the A Christmas Story House neighbor. The 10K will run to the House and back to Public Square. For the 5K runners, buses will be transporting you back downtown and drop you off at Superior and W. 3rd. just west of the starting line and the Renaissance Hotel.
Come join us in 2023 as we take you down Memory Lane as we run through the streets of Cleveland to the movie set locations that made the movie A Christmas Story famous. Dress up like Ralphie, run in a Leg Lamp Costume or jog in the Bunny Suit that Aunt Clara gave Ralphie for Christmas! This race attracts serious runners, everyday runners and walkers alike! We are family friendly and hope to add to your Christmas spirit during the holiday season. Other perks include Rich Chocolatey OVALTINE at the finish! Reenact your favorite scenes from the movie with family and friends.
Race Distance Switch for Cleveland Runners - We offer a free switch between the 5K and 10K events. You can elect that yourself by managing your registration using your confirmation email.
The movie producers must have been runners, because the distance between the former Higbee’s Department Store and the A Christmas Story House & Museum is about 5K. Ralphie’s dad, The Old Man must have used the 1938 Oldsmobile to track the distance – No GPS in the 1940’s! To accommodate both movie locations that made this race famous, the distance for the races are approximate, and perhaps a little shorter or longer. This race attracts serious runners, everyday runners and walkers alike! We are family friendly and hope to add to your Christmas spirit during the holiday season.
Both the 5K and 10K races start on the corner of Ontario and Public Square which is located at the Terminal Tower. The 5K will run to the A Christmas Story House neighbor. The 10K will run to the House and back to Public Square. For the 5K runners, buses will be transporting you back downtown and drop you off at Superior and W. 3rd. just west of the starting line and the Renaissance Hotel.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
The Cleveland Christmas Run 5K
11 11월, 2023 (토) - 08:30
5 km
The Cleveland Christmas Run 10K
11 11월, 2023 (토) - 08:30
10 km
The Cleveland Christmas Virtual Run
온라인 가상 레이스
11 11월, 2023 (토)
5 km
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버전: 10.7.4