The Cincinnati Triathlon & Multisport Festival
에디션 기록
Wilmington, OH, 미국
17 8월, 2025 (일)
3 km, 5 km
5 km
38 mi
9.3 mi
5 km
26 mi
10 km
1.5 mi
14 mi
5 km
1.5 mi
8 mi
1.5 mi
2000 m
38 mi
9.3 mi
1500 m
26 mi
10 km
750 m
14 mi
5 km
300 m
8 mi
1.5 mi
2000 m
9.3 mi
1500 m
10 km
750 m
5 km
2000 m
38 mi
1500 m
26 mi
750 m
14 mi
이벤트 정보
Gear up and dive into the Cincinnati Triathlon and Multisport Festival, a dynamic event designed to challenge athletes of all ages and skill levels. Available races include beginner, sprint, olympic, and ⅓ iron distances across triathlons, duathlons, aquabikes, and aquathlons, with several open swim distances to test your endurance. With its small race charm paired with a large event vibe, it's hailed as one of Ohio's premier racing experiences, known for its supportive and friendly community. Benefit from free training support, gender-specific performance tees, in-race photography, finisher medals, and a well-deserved post-race meal.The festival unfolds at the scenic Caesar Creek State Park Beach in Waynesville, Ohio, nestled conveniently between Cincinnati and Dayton. Your race day begins at the beachfront, providing ample parking and vibrant festivities adorned with tents and banners.
Celebrate your triumph with exclusive swag, including an event tee, a custom race bib, and a finisher medal. Enjoy complimentary post-race refreshments featuring a range of delicious options from BBQ to beverages.
For more details, support, and resources to optimize your race day experience, visit our website. Here, athletes can access the race day guide, view results, explore training tips, and indulge in the post-race food menu. Connect with us and discover the spirit of multisport racing at its finest. See you at the starting line!
Celebrate your triumph with exclusive swag, including an event tee, a custom race bib, and a finisher medal. Enjoy complimentary post-race refreshments featuring a range of delicious options from BBQ to beverages.
For more details, support, and resources to optimize your race day experience, visit our website. Here, athletes can access the race day guide, view results, explore training tips, and indulge in the post-race food menu. Connect with us and discover the spirit of multisport racing at its finest. See you at the starting line!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 21주 남았습니다
300 m호수사이클링
8 mi도로러닝
1.5 mi도로
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
해당 이벤트에 대한 정보는 공식 웹사이트 또는 주최 측이 제공한 정보를 기반으로 합니다. 정확한 정보가 업데이트 되지 않은 경우, [email protected] 으로 알려주시기 바랍니다.
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참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.9.5