The Chili Run - February
에디션 기록
Pitman, NJ, 미국
08 2월, 2025 (토)
2 mi
이벤트 정보
The Hottest Run in the Winter is Back!!! Saturday, Feb 8, 2025 (2nd date of 2 options)
Run 2 Miles and Finish with a Cup of Chili and Beer! At the popular Carolina Blue Smokehouse & Taproom!
HEADstrong Foundation is our Charity partner for this race. Info Here:
Join us for the Chili Run as we enter our 13th season! Register early, this race sells out every year!
Chip-timed with Instant Results. Race starts at 10 AM. (Start/Finish at Carolina Blue)
All runners will receive a cup of Chili (Vegetarian Option available), Custom Chili Run Beanie (Hat), and a Beer! **Please register by Jan. 20 to guarantee hat is available!
Join as an individual or as part of a team! We will have awards for both!
Awards for Top 3 Male and Female Overall and Age Groups 14 & under, 15-19, 20-29, and each decade present.
Team Awards are based on the top 4 finishers (minimum 1 female)!
After-party with DJ, Best Ugly Sweater Contest! Menu and Bar options available so stay and enjoy the fun and cozy atmosphere!
Packet Pick up on race day at Carolina Blue: 8:45-9:40 AM. Second PPU date TBD will be announced and emailed prior to race.
Volunteers earn great perks! Sign up on "Volunteer" tab on this page.
Run 2 Miles and Finish with a Cup of Chili and Beer! At the popular Carolina Blue Smokehouse & Taproom!
HEADstrong Foundation is our Charity partner for this race. Info Here:
Join us for the Chili Run as we enter our 13th season! Register early, this race sells out every year!
Chip-timed with Instant Results. Race starts at 10 AM. (Start/Finish at Carolina Blue)
All runners will receive a cup of Chili (Vegetarian Option available), Custom Chili Run Beanie (Hat), and a Beer! **Please register by Jan. 20 to guarantee hat is available!
Join as an individual or as part of a team! We will have awards for both!
Awards for Top 3 Male and Female Overall and Age Groups 14 & under, 15-19, 20-29, and each decade present.
Team Awards are based on the top 4 finishers (minimum 1 female)!
After-party with DJ, Best Ugly Sweater Contest! Menu and Bar options available so stay and enjoy the fun and cozy atmosphere!
Packet Pick up on race day at Carolina Blue: 8:45-9:40 AM. Second PPU date TBD will be announced and emailed prior to race.
Volunteers earn great perks! Sign up on "Volunteer" tab on this page.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
2 Mile Run
08 2월, 2025 (토) - 10:00
2 mi
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버전: 10.7.4