The Big Run 5K presented by Michelob Ultra and Brooks - Monterey, CA
에디션 기록
Monterey, CA, 미국
07 6월, 2025 (토)
5 km
이벤트 정보
Celebrate the joy of running with Fleet Feet on Global Running Day. Join us for The Big Run, where runners and walkers of all levels come together to challenge themselves and enjoy the camaraderie. Participate with in-person or virtual options, no matter where you are. Enjoy military and student-athlete discounts by claiming your unique code via email. Shirts are available to those who pre-purchase, with pick-up options on packet days or race morning. Starting from Monterey Rec Trail, embrace the experience with fellow enthusiasts and celebrate the sport we love together. Stay connected with our community through Fleet Feet.
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버전: 10.9.5