이벤트 정보
The New York Marathon has become an iconic event, starting out in 1970 with just 55 runners racing around Central Park and eventually expanding to a course that covers five boroughs of New York City. Now the largest marathon in the world, the race attracts more than 50,000 participants each year.
Alongside the Boston and Chicago marathons, it is considered one of the most prestigious marathons in the US, drawing athletes from all over the world to compete. Held on the first Sunday of November every year, the race is open to both amateur and professional athletes, though entry is based on a lottery system, making it a very exclusive event. Priority entry is granted to members of the NYRR who meet the qualifications, or who receive a nomination from an official running club affiliate.
Alongside the Boston and Chicago marathons, it is considered one of the most prestigious marathons in the US, drawing athletes from all over the world to compete. Held on the first Sunday of November every year, the race is open to both amateur and professional athletes, though entry is based on a lottery system, making it a very exclusive event. Priority entry is granted to members of the NYRR who meet the qualifications, or who receive a nomination from an official running club affiliate.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 33주 남았습니다
02 11월, 2025 (일) - 08:00
42.195 km
코스 경로 보기
The race starts on Staten Island by running over the Verrazano Bridge before touring the remaining boroughs of the city (Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Manhattan). It then finishes in Central Park.
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