이벤트 정보
The city of Taipei is one that has been built with great care, ensuring that it is a liveable destination for both its residents and visitors alike. An efficient public transport grid that is both fast and affordable runs through the city, with plentiful parks scattered every few blocks. There are also plenty of coffee options to choose from, free umbrellas at the MRT stations for those rainy days, and clean public restrooms within easy reach.
For those looking to stay active and healthy, the Taipei Standard Chartered Marathon is the place for you. Founded in 1993 by ROA, its mission is to promote the marathon from a professional sport to an activity open to everyone as a way to promote health and happiness. With the support of the national and local governments, and the assistance of many professional services and marketing teams, the event has been able to reach a wider audience.
For those looking to stay active and healthy, the Taipei Standard Chartered Marathon is the place for you. Founded in 1993 by ROA, its mission is to promote the marathon from a professional sport to an activity open to everyone as a way to promote health and happiness. With the support of the national and local governments, and the assistance of many professional services and marketing teams, the event has been able to reach a wider audience.
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버전: 10.9.5