SwissPeaks Trail
트레일 러닝
21.4 km, 44 km, 72.6 km, 102 km, 176 km, 370 km, 700 km
이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 23주 남았습니다
SwissPeaks 700
700 km
SwissPeaks 380
370 km
SwissPeaks 170
176 km
SwissPeaks 100
102 km
SwissPeaks 70
72.6 km
SwissPeaks Marathon
44 km
SwissPeaks Half Marathon
21.4 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
SwissPeaks 700 The whole of the Valais is yours. From Lake Geneva to the Glacier du Rhône, from the glaciers to Lake Geneva, the myth is built kilometre after kilometre through the most beautiful Alpine valleys. In the middle of the “4,000” of the Alps, on a route whose reputation is well established. Travel, enjoy these wonders that nature entrusts us. The longest and toughest race in the world. SwissPeaks 380 Valais is open to you. From the glaciers to Lake Geneva, the myth is built kilometre after kilometre, through the most beautiful Alpine valleys. In the middle of the “4,000” of the Alps, on a route whose reputation is well established. Travel, enjoy these wonders that nature entrusts us. An Ultra-trail that is undoubtedly one of the most difficult in the world: a demanding, technical, capricious race. SwissPeaks 170 The dream of any trailer, a long crossing through the most beautiful peaks and valleys. A Valais connection that will make you dream before, during and after the race. A departure at the bottom of the “20th century building site”, the dam of the Grande Dixence. You will then cross typical and isolated villages, walk through steep slopes, wild lakes… You will discover places that you can not even imagine exist. SwissPeaks 100 From the last glaciers of the Rhone Valley towards Lake Geneva. On the route of the mythical 360 and through the Portes du Soleil, here is our route for experienced trail runners. The perfect challenge for those “quads” that don’t fear the most demanding sequences. For runners who want more, really more! SwissPeaks 70 Exclusively created with our partner Région Dents du Midi. A selective and demanding route that will let you discover the most beautiful ridges and wild paths between the Dents du Midi and Lake Geneva. SwissPeaks Marathon Varied trails around the border. Connect the mountains to the lake, from Morgins to Bouveret. “SwissPeaks-style Marathon”, in an invitation to escape, an adventure to live and share. Look up, enjoy those moments of happiness in the mountain. SwissPeaks Half Marathon The only loop race of our SwissPeaks trail. Join the last kilometres of the mythical 360 via Saint-Gingolph and Novel. Experience the special atmosphere of our Trail Village as the start of your race! “Half-Marathon SwissPeaks”, is an invitation to escape, an an adventure to live and share. Look up, enjoy those moments of happiness in the mountain.
시작 지점
Finhaut, Switzerland완료 지점
Émosson, Switzerland참가 시 제공되는 항목
자주 묻는 질문
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
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버전: 10.7.4