이벤트 정보
Based out of Åre, Swedeman is an official member of the XTRI World Tour. The Xtri family is growing and we are proud to be able to offer this stunning course to the Swedish and international audience.
Encounter undercurrents and temperature changes to keep you alert and on your toes! 3.8 kilometers in Öster-Noren, finishing under Sweden's largest waterfall. Average water temperature for August should be around 13 degrees Celsius. Athletes will run up a steep 400 m long track to access T1 above the waterfall.
The road to the wilderness! Travel 205 kilometers from Tännforsen. along an incredible course with hill after hill after hill, totaling nearly 2000m of ascent. You will likely encounter large wildlife including reindeer and moose so be careful out there!
Encounter undercurrents and temperature changes to keep you alert and on your toes! 3.8 kilometers in Öster-Noren, finishing under Sweden's largest waterfall. Average water temperature for August should be around 13 degrees Celsius. Athletes will run up a steep 400 m long track to access T1 above the waterfall.
The road to the wilderness! Travel 205 kilometers from Tännforsen. along an incredible course with hill after hill after hill, totaling nearly 2000m of ascent. You will likely encounter large wildlife including reindeer and moose so be careful out there!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 16주 남았습니다
05 7월, 2025 (토) - 05:00
3.8 km
205 km
42.195 km
3.8 kmEncounter undercurrents and temperature changes to keep you alert and on your toes!
3.8 kilometres in Öster-Noren, finishing under Sweden's largest waterfall. Average water temperature for August should be around 14 degrees Celsius. Athletes will run up a steep 400 m long track to access T1 above the waterfall.호수기록 측정사이클링
205 km2000 m 상승 고도The road to the wilderness! Travel 205 kilometers from Tännforsen along an incredible course with rolling and deceptive climbing, totalling nearly 2000m of ascent. You will likely encounter large wildlife including reindeer and moose so be careful out there!도로언덕기록 측정트레일 러닝
42.195 km2000 m 상승 고도Approx 2000 metres of ascent, tough terrain and some fabulous views.
From T2 the run starts on a short section of gravel road before turning west onto forest paths and technical trails on the south side of Totthummeln towards Åre village.
Climbing up towards Lillskutan you will run above the tree line for the first time during the run. This section has some fantastic singletrack that will allow for great views if the weather is clear. In the distance, in northwest, you can see the finish line just below Åreskutan. But that’s for later! There can be fields of snow on the trail or right next to it, which can make for
an icy run. On the top of Lillskutan the course turns east and then keeps climbing north on a snowmobile track.
The last 10 kilometres you will need to be accompanied by your support runner - it is steep and you will be tired.
The total climb from T2A to the top of Åreskutan is 1000 meters. Passing the top of Åreskutan and
Toppstugan, the tiny waffle house, may give you a view over Åre village below and the mountain ranges in the distance, if the weather cooperates. If not, you’ll be happy to see your own feet.트레일익스트림기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.4