Sunset on Cancer 1 Mile Fun Run & 5K Run/Walk
에디션 기록
Ocean Springs, MS, 미국
05 10월, 2024 (토)
1 mi, 3.1 mi, 4.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Sunset on Cancer 1 Mile Fun Run & 5K Run/Walk
October 5, 2024
499 Front Beach Dr.
Ocean Springs, MS. 39564
1 Mile starts at 5:00 pm
5K starts at 5:30 pm
Family Fun and Room to Run
Join us for the 4th Annual Sunset on Cancer 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run on Saturday, October 5. This family friendly event will include food, live music, and kids activities. For the kids, we will have a face painter, a balloon guy and there is a park and the beach nearby to enjoy after the race.
Join us in honor of Cancer Survivors and their families. In conjunction with our fundraising efforts, our goal at this event is to raise awareness and honor the many people in our community who are affected with all types of malignancies and to celebrate all of our survivors. All proceeds will support Singing River Foundation Cancer Fund and a portion of theses proceeds also support the American Cancer Society. About the Sunset on Cancer Run
The Sunset on Cancer Run helps provide essential aid through Singing River Foundation’s Cancer Fund. The fund assists patients with medications, dental work, and transportation as well as makes improvements to the Cancer Center. Registration Fees: 1 mile Fun Run - $15.00 1 mile Fun Run and 5k - $35.00 5k - $25.00 5k Student - $15.00 (must show student ID) Team 5k - $20.00 Each team member T-Shirt and race bag guaranteed if registered by September 15. Packet Pickup (Location, Date & Time): Packet Pickup will begin at 3:00 pm on race day at race site Age Groups: (1-14,15-19,20-29,30-39,etc. 70+): Awards: 1 Mile: Top Overall M & F for 14 & Under 5K: Top Overall M & F, & 1st, 2nd, 3rd, M & F each age group for the 5K Teams: Award for Largest Team, Best Team Costume and Best Spirit Team The Race Benefits: Singing River Foundation Cancer Fund and the American Cancer Society.
Join us in honor of Cancer Survivors and their families. In conjunction with our fundraising efforts, our goal at this event is to raise awareness and honor the many people in our community who are affected with all types of malignancies and to celebrate all of our survivors. All proceeds will support Singing River Foundation Cancer Fund and a portion of theses proceeds also support the American Cancer Society. About the Sunset on Cancer Run
The Sunset on Cancer Run helps provide essential aid through Singing River Foundation’s Cancer Fund. The fund assists patients with medications, dental work, and transportation as well as makes improvements to the Cancer Center. Registration Fees: 1 mile Fun Run - $15.00 1 mile Fun Run and 5k - $35.00 5k - $25.00 5k Student - $15.00 (must show student ID) Team 5k - $20.00 Each team member T-Shirt and race bag guaranteed if registered by September 15. Packet Pickup (Location, Date & Time): Packet Pickup will begin at 3:00 pm on race day at race site Age Groups: (1-14,15-19,20-29,30-39,etc. 70+): Awards: 1 Mile: Top Overall M & F for 14 & Under 5K: Top Overall M & F, & 1st, 2nd, 3rd, M & F each age group for the 5K Teams: Award for Largest Team, Best Team Costume and Best Spirit Team The Race Benefits: Singing River Foundation Cancer Fund and the American Cancer Society.
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버전: 10.9.5