Strides in Solidarity 5k - UVA PIH Engage
5 km
이벤트 정보
Join the undergrad and graduate chapters of PIH Engage at UVA to raise money to end global tuberculosis! Tuberculosis is a curable disease, yet every year millions of people die worldwide because they do not have access to treatment. Our club has pledged to raise $4000 this year to support global tuberculosis care -- that is 400 lab tests for tuberculosis, 1 month of food for 100 tuberculosis patients, or the cost of an entire 6 month TB treatment course for 8 children or adults. If you are on board, come run (or jog, wog, or walk!) with us on 10/19 at 9 AM. Wear your favorite halloween costume (or accessories) in lieu of t shirts! We have tons of prizes for top finishers and raffle winners from local businesses, so we hope you will join us for a morning of fun fighting TB!
Race info:
Race is starting at Newcomb Hall. Please arrive by 8:30 to ensure adequate time for check-in of all runners. Prizes from local Charlottesville business sponsors will be available for age groups: 18-25, 26-40, >40, and include gift cards to breweries, yoga, shopping, food and more!
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버전: 10.9.4