Starvation Xtri
에디션 기록
Starvation Reservoir, UT, 미국
03 8월, 2024 (토)
3.8 km
161 km
40.7 km
시리즈의 일부: Xtri World Tour
이벤트 정보
This is an extreme triathlon. The swim is open water and the conditions can be unpredictable. The bike course takes place 5,700 feet above sea level and climbs up over 9,700 feet altitude. THERE IS over 9,700 feet of vertical climbing through the Utah mountains. The run starts at 8,000 feet and peaks with an elevation of over 10,700 feet above sea level. THERE IS 7,543 feet of vertical climbing. The run is off road and on trails in and around the Solitude resort. Before you sign up, please be honest with yourself about the time you have to dedicate to preparing for this event. Every athlete is different in the amount of hours necessary to prepare for an endeavor of this magnitude. Only you know for sure.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
03 8월, 2024 (토) - 05:00
3.8 km
161 km
40.7 km
3.8 kmThis course will challenge you like no other. From the brisk swim, to the punishing elevation on the bike, to the technical running course... YOU WILL be challenged, you will be pushed, you will find your limits. Are you ready?호수다중 루프기록 측정사이클링
161 km2873 m 상승 고도Traditional triathlon is the worst spectator sport! Some races you merely catch a glimpse of your loved ones racing or on the sidelines for only but a few moments throughout what can be a long day. With Starvation, your friends and family are your support crew actively involved in the race! They are with you along your journey providing you encouragement and nourishment and sharing in the challenge.도로익스트림포인트 투 포인트기록 측정트레일 러닝
40.7 km1827 m 상승 고도You will truly find your limits on our course... it's designed to do so. Our goal is to take you to that edge where you come face to face with who you are and what you are capable of. We feel that it's in those moments that you step closer towards becoming the absolute best version of yourself!트레일익스트림단일 루프기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.2