St. Alphonsus Catholic School's NIGHT OF NEON
1 mi, 5 km
이벤트 정보
St. Alphonsus PTO is excited to offer our 9th annual Night of Neon 5k and 1 mile Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, November 9, 2024.
Night of Neon is a fun-filled night for the whole family!
Race events include:
5K beginning at 5:30pm. This year, we offer 2 options for the 5K - a 5K fun run ($25) OR for our more serious runners, 5K with chip timing ($35). Note: Race awards will be based on those participants with chip verified times.The Tiny Saints Trot ($20) is back. This special event for our pre-schoolers starts at 4:45pm and goes around the track on the playground. Parents are also invited to push their little saints around the track in a stroller or wagon.1-mile fun run ($25) begins at 5:15pmFor our friends from afar, participate in the Virtual 1-mile Fun Run/Walk and Virtual 5k race. You can start TODAY. Runners are able to complete the race anywhere and submit race times.Thanks to our Dad's Club, hamburgers & hot dogs + chips will be available for purchase. Pre-order is preferred. To pre-order, click for the Store link to purchase meal tickets.
Stick around after the race for a night of fun and dancing with school and community friends.
***T-shirts are only available for those who register or purchase before Oct. 25, 2024.***
If you would like to purchase a t-shirt and NOT participate in the race, t-shirts will available for purchase under the "store" link. T-shirts are only available to those who order before Oct. 25, 2024.
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버전: 10.9.5