이벤트 정보
The Beer/Cider/Seltzer Mile is equal parts gastric challenge and athletic endeavor, requiring competitors to drink a 355ml beer/cider/seltzer (5% minimum ABV) before every quarter mile of the race, totaling four beers/seltzers over the one-mile course.
The beer/cider/seltzer mile is pretty simple. Drink 4 beers/cider/seltzers and run 4 laps in alternating fashion as quickly as you can. But just to be sure everyone is on the same playing field, here some rules to follow:
1. Each competitor drinks four cans or bottles of beverage and runs four laps (start with chugging a beer/cider/seltzer, then run a lap, then beer/cider/seltzer, then lap, then beer/cider/seltzer, then lap, then beer/cider/seltzer, then lap - finish).
2. Beer/cider/seltzer must be consumed within the drinking area before the lap begins.
3. Competitors can walk/move in the drinking area while drinking, but all beverages must be consumed in the drinking area before setting off to run a lap.
Beer/cider/seltzer cans must not be tampered with in any manner. (e.g. no shotgunning, puncturing the can, squeezing the can, etc.). The same applies for bottles - no straws or other aids allowed that speed up the pouring process. The only action allowed is opening the can with the tab at the top or twisting off the bottle cap of a bottle.
4. Competitors must follow the course as laid out - through parking lots and on sidewalks. Running in the road will not be encouraged, but allowed only whjen necessary.
Event is open to those 21 years of age and older, subject to verification at the event.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Sports City Beer/Cider/Seltzer Mile
1 mi
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.7.4