이벤트 정보
The Say Grace Race is GraceMed’s signature fundraising event and is also Wichita’s largest local 5K race. The annual family-friendly event has become a Thanksgiving tradition for many in our community. We invite you to come out with family and friends to run, walk, or stroll through Midtown, one of Wichita’s most historic neighborhoods. Then enjoy all your holiday indulgences GUILT FREE! Participant perks include: CHIP timing, race t-shirt, unique awards for overall and age-group winners, team awards, fruit and water.
Packet Pick-Up
GraceMed Administration Building, 1150 N. Broadway
Monday, November 25 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday, November 26 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 27 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
You may also pick-up your packet on the morning of the race on the east side of the 1122 N. Topeka St. building.
Packets will be available for pick-up from 8:00 am to 9:15 am
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5k Race
5 km
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
© Ahotu는 World's Sports Group 소유의 서비스 및 브랜드입니다. 저작권을 포함한 모든 권리가 보호됩니다.
버전: 10.7.4