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Saugerties Turkey Trot
Saugerties, NY, 미국
19 11월, 2023 (일)
1 mi, 5 km
이벤트 정보
Saugerties is the perfect place for your Turkey Trot this year! Race the 1 Mile or 5K, and in lieu of your registration fee, donate to People’s Place. People’s Place is a not-for-profit organization feeding, clothing and responding to the needs of the people in Ulster County with kindness, compassion and human dignity since 1972. Participants are welcome to make a monetary donation during registration or to donate canned goods at athlete check-in or race day to help provide a Thanksgiving meal to those in need.
With the beautiful backdrop of the Catskill Mountains and the fall foliage, the Saugerties Turkey Trot is a one-of-a-kind run through the historic village of Saugerties. Join us in the spirit of giving for a fun run through our very own hometown, while also supporting the true heart of the Hudson Valley: community.
With the beautiful backdrop of the Catskill Mountains and the fall foliage, the Saugerties Turkey Trot is a one-of-a-kind run through the historic village of Saugerties. Join us in the spirit of giving for a fun run through our very own hometown, while also supporting the true heart of the Hudson Valley: community.
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버전: 10.7.4