이벤트 정보
Santa Dash is back for 2023! With a new flat course in St Anne’s Park, Clontarf, it’ll be perfect for first timers, walkers, fun runners and super fast Santas!
Get the whole gang out with our new special family rate. See Santa in his grotto for the whole family at no extra cost!
A day out you’ll remember… till Christmas! 😉
All participants will receive a unique Christmas themed medal.
Volunteers welcome.
Entries are limited this year. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!!
**NOTE: Children under 5 are welcome to participate but the Child Santa Suit may be a bit large. Participants without a bib will not receive a medal.**
Distances: 5k & 10k.
LOCATION: St Anne’s Park
Entry includes:
Fully chip timed 5k and 10k Race
Santa Suit
Custom Christmas Themed Medal
A visit with Santa in his Grotto with a present for all the children
Race Course Support
Post Race Refreshments
Get the whole gang out with our new special family rate. See Santa in his grotto for the whole family at no extra cost!
A day out you’ll remember… till Christmas! 😉
All participants will receive a unique Christmas themed medal.
Volunteers welcome.
Entries are limited this year. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!!
**NOTE: Children under 5 are welcome to participate but the Child Santa Suit may be a bit large. Participants without a bib will not receive a medal.**
Distances: 5k & 10k.
LOCATION: St Anne’s Park
Entry includes:
Fully chip timed 5k and 10k Race
Santa Suit
Custom Christmas Themed Medal
A visit with Santa in his Grotto with a present for all the children
Race Course Support
Post Race Refreshments
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버전: 10.6.0