Saline PTCO Trick R Trot Across the Dam

Saline, LA, 미국
30 10월, 2021 (토)


5 km

이벤트 정보

Race Location: Magnolia Baptist Church, 1120 Cooper St, Saline, La 71070

Registration: Race Day Registration begins at 7:00 am at Magnolia Baptist Church. No refunds will be given for this race. For pre-registration, mail application with payment to Saline PTCO, PO Box 201, Saline, La 71070 or register online at  Currently not taking online payments so you may register online but please mail payments to Saline PTCO, PO Box 201, Saline LA 71070.

Cost: Pre-Register: $20    Race Day: $25       (must be pre-registered by October 15 to be guaranteed shirt)

Awards & Age Groups: Awards will take place immediately following the race. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be awarded in the following age groups: 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+. 

*Proceeds Will Benefit Saline PTCO to support the students and staff at Saline High School.

Please join us after the race for the Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Costume Contests, Silent Auction, and mini Trunk r Treat.                                                                 For more information, contact Saline PTCO via Facebook or email us at [email protected].

이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스

5K Race

30 10월, 2021 (토) - 08:00
5 km


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버전: 9.26.3