Sai Kung 50
에디션 기록
Sai Kung, 홍콩
22 2월, 2025 (토)
이벤트 크기: 100 - 999 참가자
트레일 러닝
13 km, 22 km, 35 km, 54.5 km
이벤트 정보
MSIG Sai Kung 50, the last leg of the MSIG HK 50 series, will be held in Sai Kung, Hong Kong. Sai Kung is known as the "back garden of Hong Kong", where Action Asia Events has designed one of the most challenging trail courses which has attracted over 1000 participants signing up from home and abroad.
Action Asia Events is the first and only organizer in Hong Kong who gets special permission to extend the course out to Cheung Tsui Chau. Runners could run along the beautiful Tai Long Wan and Tung Wan beaches to explore this stunning place in Hong Kong. As one of the most anticipated events in the beginning of the year, MSIG Sai Kung 50 will be one of the most memorable races for all runners!
Only very limited slots left. Don’t miss the chance!
Action Asia Events is the first and only organizer in Hong Kong who gets special permission to extend the course out to Cheung Tsui Chau. Runners could run along the beautiful Tai Long Wan and Tung Wan beaches to explore this stunning place in Hong Kong. As one of the most anticipated events in the beginning of the year, MSIG Sai Kung 50 will be one of the most memorable races for all runners!
Only very limited slots left. Don’t miss the chance!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
54 km
22 2월, 2025 (토) - 06:30
트레일 러닝
54.5 km
35 km
22 2월, 2025 (토) - 06:30
트레일 러닝
35 km
1701 m 상승 고도
13 km
22 2월, 2025 (토) - 06:40
트레일 러닝
13 km
641 m 상승 고도
22 km
22 2월, 2025 (토) - 06:40
트레일 러닝
22 km
1083 m 상승 고도
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버전: 10.7.4